Mission & Vision

We teach, train & serve the people of Panama

The Mission

Our mission is to enact the Great Commission equipping and empowering indigenous and national persons to become disciples of Jesus Christ to transform their life and the lives of the persons in their communities for the Lord

The Vision

Our vision is to communicate the Gospel as we teach, train and serve.

Core Values

It is at our core to love God and love people unconditionally; to empower and equip leaders to fulfill the Great Commission; to teach and engage with integrity, excellence, and passion for the Lord and to work interdenominationally to further the Kingdom of God.

Defining Characteristics

We believe all Christians are encouraged to share the love and message of Jesus Christ, and that all Christians are called to be a disciple of Jesus and to make disciples. It is our strategy to invest resources in projects and programs to raise the standard of spiritual and physical health among those we serve. 

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